We had terrible storms yesterday, nothing as severe as part of the mid-west. But, still bad. This is what I captured today after the morning storms. Hopefully they are gone for today.
My mother – n – law came thru her open heart surgery, they are moving her to ICU. She had one valve replaced and the 2 others repaired. I could not be there for the surgery because our hot water heater went and the plumber was coming at 8am. Ran the tub for my son last night and no hot water. There was also no one to watch my son and get him on the van, plus I have a sore throat and getting a head cold so I need to stay away from her. I felt so bad but she understood.
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I am going to figure this out yet. This stupid machine will not get the best of me, LOL! I have left several messages on your site, but they never show up. Great site, BTW!
That is a nice shot. I know you have been waiting anxiously for signs of spring.
Elsa, I don’t know what you did but it worked today. LOL Thank you for your comment.