SVG Viewer
Do you have hundreds of SVG files with no way to Preview them all? Well now you can with this great little SVG Viewer Utility program.
Works with Mac or Windows!
This program will search the directory that you specify for SVG’s and display them for you to see.
– View SVG In Folder
– Export Photo Preview as PNG
SVG Viewer will export your preview as a PNG. It names it exactly how the SVG appears so when you go to the folder and sort alphabetically it will appear right next to your SVG.
Purchase Today and start Viewing your SVG Collection
Same Registration Code for
Both Mac and Windows
No Need to Purchase a Second License Code.
Windows Vista, 7, 8
Mac OS X 10.7
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SVG Previewer

Drag and Drop Folder
Drop and Drag is the easiest way to get your SVG Viewer showing you your SVGs. Once the drop is complete it will search the entire directory for SVG files.
Click the SVG and Get a Preview
Once you have imported a directory you can then select the SVG from the list on the left and a scaled version of the SVG will be present in the preview window.
So you find a SVG you want to use? Simply click the “View SVG in Folder” button to auto open the containing folder with the SVG file selected.
Export SVG as a PNG
Click the Save PNG and it will save a photo thumbnail of the SVG in the directory that the SVG is currently located in. This will give you a quick reference the next time you’re visiting that folder and wonder what that SVG looks like.
HTML Shareable Export
SVG Viewer will create an HTML file where you can upload to your website or dropbox account and share the URL. With this URL people can actually download the SVGs! Click this HERE for an example.